Jan 27Liked by Lisa Kairos

Resonates deeply. Currently feeling deep shifts in practice in the sense of really letting go and shedding down to the essentials. I'm always drawn to simplicity and quiet detail yet those whispers of not-enoughness are always swirling. Fortunately, as I strip away the layers of pieces, I'm letting go of outside opinion (that lives in my head). Feels good to shake things up and be surprised. The weeds will come, but I'm not so worried about what I "should" be planting and how. Just seeing where it all goes in real-time.

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Jan 26Liked by Lisa Kairos

This piece grabbed my attention and thought it was powerful in its message. I love your clarity around it as well. Bravo

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I love your reflection on your experience. I especially love your description of how "clarity" came to you. This resonates as so true for me for many things. We can chase after clarity, we can put effort toward gaining clarity but in the end we must allow clarity to come to us in magical, sometimes unexpected ways.

And I think the position of "observer" is a valid one, especially in the current landscape. So many good thoughts in this piece!

And I agree "our work is enough" and we are enough. For some reason humans have forgotten that. I can always remember the story of how the Dalai Lama was so shocked when he heard that Westerners "don't like themselves" And our "not enough" stories are really just a version of that, I think.

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